25 Things You Can Do While Supercharging Your Tesla!
There are more things to do when you’re sitting at a Tesla Supercharger than play with your phone! Watch a show on Netflix, Disney+ or Hulu, clean the interior, sing karaoke, meditate, go cloud-watching (or star-gazing), play video games, enjoy a specialty coffee or visit a local business.
Tesla drivers spend an average of 15 minutes at a Supercharger to get 200 miles of range. Some of our team members regularly drive long distances so we can spend up to 25 minutes at a Supercharger. We really enjoy this time to ourselves and wanted to share some of our favorite ways to pass the time with our readers!
Whether you stay inside your car, or venture out, take advantage of this valuable “me-time”. If you do something different, you’ll feel refreshed and inspired by the time your Tesla tells you your vehicle is done charging!
Things to Do While You’re Supercharging

Inside your Tesla
- Open Tesla Theatre and watch a show on Netflix, HBO Go, Twitch, Comedy Central, Disney+ or Hulu (requires Wifi or Premium Connectivity and a subscription)
- Learn a new skill by watching a YouTube video (we love to watch dog training videos and cooking demos!)
- Nerd Alert! Check your Tesla stats, energy graph, efficiency, trip stats, odometer and settings.
- Listen to a podcast. Re-focus your brain and play a podcast through those high quality Tesla speakers
- Browse the internet. We find Tesla’s web browser (located on the touchscreen) to be very slow, so we recommend using your phone.
- Enjoy a specialty coffee and pastry (or keto-friendly treat)! If you’ve got your dog with you, let him enjoy a Starbucks Puppuccino with you! Remember, no hand sanitizers in the car, and keep alcohol-free baby wipes with you to clean up spills.
- Clean your seats. We keep a soft cloth and spray bottle filled with water and Castile soap in the glove box.
- Organize your console and glovebox.
- Read a book. Escape from the world for a few minutes with a real book with actual paper pages! No charging required.
- Read a Tesla blog post. Learn to love your Tesla even more! Learn about naming your Tesla, acceleration boost, how to listen to AM radio, or shop for amazing accessories and gifts.
- Get creative and doodle! Doodling relieves stress, improves concentration and memory and can help you find a creative solution to a difficult problem. Grab a pen and paper or use the sketch pad app on the Tesla touchscreen, found in the Toybox app.
- Meditate or power nap. Close your eyes, take some deep breaths and let your thoughts float away effortlessly. Hints: Set a gentle timer. Stream meditation or spa music. Plug in your essential oil vent diffuser and drift away.
- Watch the clouds. Remember how you used to lay on the grass and watch patterns in the clouds as a child? Lean back and get lost in the clouds again (or star gaze at night).
- Practice gratitude. People who practice gratitude report better physical and psychological health, improved sleep and better relationships. Simply close your eyes and reflect on 3-5 things, people or events that you are grateful for.
- Call your favorite person just to say, “I love you”.
- Plan a romantic date night with Romance Mode and our top 10 Tesla date ideas!
- Exercise. Place your seat in to Easy Entry Mode and do some stretches, stomach crunches or Kegels.
- Update your avatar. Show off a new haircut or glasses or give your avatar a new outfit to reflect the season or latest fashion trends.
- Answer emails and texts. This is not our favorite way to spend our supercharging time, but if you have to, go ahead!
Do you have the kids with you?
- Challenge them to a video game by selecting Toybox>Tesla Arcade. Play using your touchscreen, the steering wheel, or a wireless controller.
- Belt out some tunes using your Tesla’s karaoke.
Outside your Tesla
- Visit a local establishment. Use the voice command feature to say, “I’m feeling lucky”. Tesla Superchargers are always close to something! Grab a bite to eat, window shop or find a museum, art gallery or amusement park to check out.
- Go for a walk. Boost the health benefits by practicing mindfulness while you walk. Notice smells, sights, sounds, temperature and touch.
- Be a good Samaritan and pick up garbage around the Superchargers. Feel good about your awesomeness. You might even start trending!
- Admire the other Teslas at the Supercharger. Strike up a conversation, compare notes and share EVehiclePro.com!
Can I sit in my Tesla while supercharging?
You can remain seated in your vehicle while it is charging at a Tesla Supercharging station.
Do you have to stay with your car while charging?
Owners do not need to stay with their car while charging at a Level 3 Supercharger, or slower charging Level 1 or 2 stations. Your vehicle’s security features remain active, including walk-away locking and Sentry Mode. Just ensure you return to your car once it’s charged in order to avoid fees.
Can I leave my pet in my Tesla while it’s supercharging?
You can leave your pet in the vehicle while at a Supercharger only if you activate Dog Mode to maintain a safe, comfortable cabin temperature.
Can I run the AC while charging my Tesla?
You can keep the cabin temperature cool with air conditioning or turn on the heat, while at a Tesla Supercharger.
Can I wash my Tesla while charging?
Even though charge ports are waterproof, don’t wash your car while it’s charging. There’s always a chance of damaging or short-circuiting the charging port. Waterless washing and fine detailing using a cloth and spray bottle are fine.
If you’re planning to take your vehicle through a (touch-less) automatic car wash, it must be stationary and not actively charging. Enable Car Wash Mode to close all windows, lock the charge port and disable windshield wipers, walk-away door locking, parking sensor chimes and Sentry Mode.
Select Controls > Service > Car Wash Mode.
Can you leave the car while supercharging?
You can leave your vehicle while it is charging at a Superstation. Your vehicle’s doors will lock and Sentry Mode remains active.
Can I watch Netflix while Supercharging?
Tesla owners can watch Netflix by opening Tesla Theatre using the touchscreen. Owners can also use Tesla Theatre to access HBO Go, Twitch, Comedy Central, Disney+ or Hulu. These services require Wifi or Premium Connectivity and a subscription.
Do you turn off a Tesla when charging?
Simply place the vehicle in Park and begin charging. Drivers can continue to use all features, such as climate control, music, Tesla Theatre, gaming and the phone charging pads.
How long can I stay at a Supercharger once the charge is done?
Drivers should return to their vehicle as soon as possible to allow other drivers to use the charger. Technically, you can leave your car as long as you want. However, for every minute after your car is done charging, you will be charged an idling fee (fees depend on your region).
If the vehicle is moved off the charger within five minutes of completing the charge, the idling fees are waived.